Manna 4 Children

manna 4 children

(Click on any picture to view the photos and videos that we made that year)








Who are we?
We are Merlyn and Eric, a Christian couple residing in Belgium. Lyn is from the Philippines and Eric from Belgium.

What is manna 4 children?
manna 4 children's mission is to provide street children in the Philippines with food, both physical and spiritual, and let them have a wonderful day full of joy with laughter, playing, singing and dancing. A day that they will always remember. We buy food and entertain the children with chants and plays. If we have enough money, we also make sure they have a take-away food package (rice, cans, etc.). The word "manna" comes from the Bible, The Old Testament, the book of Exodus chapter 16 v14 and v15: When the dew was gone, thin flakes like frost on the ground appeared on the desert floor. When the Israelites saw it, they said to each other, "What is it?" For they did not know what it was. Moses said to them, "It is the bread the Lord has given you to eat."

Why are we doing this?
We don't think the world is a just place. If we can give some of the children a joyful day full of hope, it can have a tremendous impact on their lives. We want to plant a little seed that will grow in their lives, and a day they will remember forever. We want them to feel the love and presence of God. We believe that we are instruments of Jesus Christ to do His work. And seeing the smile on the face of those kids makes our day!

When are we doing this?
We do this every year during the Christmas season (December-January). This year it was the 7th year! And we were even able to have 2 days of joy (just like last year). The first day, we had 100 kids, the second day, 130, for a total of 230 children who had a whole day fun, food, and a take-away food package including rice and cans with food and even school supplies!

In Cavite (NaÏc and Bacoor), Philippines.

Want to help?
If you want to participate in doing something good for these street children and support our Children Feeding Program, you can do so by donating something to our PayPal account ( Your money goes straight to the children, without any deductions!

Manna 4 ChildrenCopyright © 2017-2025 Eric Geurts. All pictures and videos © 2017-2025 Eric Geurts. All rights reserved.